In this section

Branch Emails

Stay up to date on national updates, activities, policies, programs, and helpful resources for your Branch.

The Legion Dispatch 


The Dispatch is our all-branch newsletter, delivering you:

  • Important operational policies, procedures, and announcements
  • Helpful Branch management tools and resources 
  • Information on national initiatives that Branches can get involved in or promote
  • Branch and Member opportunities …and much more!

The Legion Dispatch emails are sent to the email addresses on file for your Branch. Contact Member Services if your Branch is not receiving them each month.

Legion Dispatch Branch Emails

Previous All-Branch Emails

The Legion Debrief

Member Emails

Member communication is the most important strategy we have to engage and retain our members. Members with an email address on file receive:

  • Information on member opportunities
  • Updates on latest national news and initiatives
  • Information on commemorative activities
  • Reminders to renew their membership
  • Engage members to visit and support their Legion Branch
  • …and much more!

DebriefAs you register or renew your members, take a moment to confirm their emails and add them to their member profiles, or use this Excel template to share member emails with Member Services. Need assistance? Contact Member Services at 855-330-3344