Branch updates and information
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| All Branch emails are also available on the Member Services Website
In this edition – June 2021
Take the five‑second survey | Is your Branch open for business? Over a quarter of Legion Branches that responded to last month’s survey are now open in some capacity, whether it’s by appointment or business as usual. Take this single-question, multiple choice survey to let us know if your Branch is currently open to members and the public. | If you responded previously, please take the survey again so we can see how Branches are doing each month. |
Showcase your Branch at the 48th Dominion Convention | For the first time ever, the 2021 Dominion Convention will be conducted virtually and broadcast to all that wish to participate as a delegate or an observer. | Traditionally, Branches have been invited to parade their banner at the Convention. However, as this is not possible this year, Branches can instead submit a photo to display on the Convention website. | All Legion Branches across Canada are requested to submit a photo of the outside of their Branch for display on the virtual Convention event page. Please send the photo as an attachment to by August 2. Include your Branch name, Branch number and location in the email. We anticipate that this will be a popular feature for all in attendance. |
Important update to Branch payment options | Electronic payments to Branches starting September 2021 | Legion Headquarters will discontinue issuing cheques as of September 1, 2021 and implement payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) only. EFTs reduce costs, require less administrative processing, provide Branches faster access to their funds, are more secure than cheques and simplify reconciliation and accounting. | Branches to provide banking details by August 2021 | Branches are asked to contact Dominion Command Accounting at 888-556-6222 extension 288 or by email at to provide banking details for their Branch General Account and their Branch Poppy Account. | Branch payments for online transactions to be debit or credit card only starting in 2022 | Legion Headquarters is continuing to experience significant payment delays for online membership transactions when Branches submit payment by cheque. Starting in 2022, cheques will no longer be accepted for online transactions. Dominion Command will require all online membership transactions be paid by debit or credit card. Electronic payments are fast, secure and trackable. This shift will require technical, logistical and procedural changes. The implementation of online payment processes is expected to commence in early 2022. | Branches may contact Dominion Command Accounting at 888-556-6222 extension 288 or by email at for information on how to set up electronic payments. |
Encourage lapsed members to renew | Automated telemarketing renewal campaign | Legion National Headquarters is testing an automated telemarketing campaign targeting 30,000 lapsed members, reminding them to renew their Legion membership. Members will receive a pre-recorded message that lets them transfer immediately to one of our member services staff to renew over the phone. Members not home will receive a message on their phone reminding them to renew. If successful, this cost-effective approach has the opportunity to be an additional renewal tool to complement our existing strategies. | Renew and prepay for a bird feeder promo | Lapsed members who renew for 2021 and prepay for an additional 2 or more years receive a free Poppy bird feeder. This offer was mailed to 50,000 lapsed members and emailed to over 20,000 lapsed members in June. |
Tuberculosis Veterans’ Section of The Royal Canadian Legion welcomes new members | The Tuberculosis Veterans’ Section (TVS) always welcomes new members to join! Any Legion member can become a dual member of both their Legion Branch and TVS. Join a TVS Branch today and help champion respiratory health, research and education. | Learn more ‣ |
Coding for Veterans | Coding for Veterans, a program that retrains military veterans for careers in Canada’s IT sector, will be partnering with the Legion as its Career Caravan tours the country this fall. C4V has asked that parking lots of Legion Branches along its route be made available in order to set up an outdoor tent and program promotion. | Staring this September, C4V will be visiting all towns with MFRCs and CFBs, as well as major cities, across Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. Contact Coding for Veterans to get your Branch involved. |
 | Apply for Memorial repair funding
| The National Wall of Remembrance Association (NWORA) is extending their deadline for Legion Branches to submits funding requests for Veteran memorial repair and restoration to September 1, 2021. | Please send any applications to Bruce Ewing at | Learn more ‣ |
 | Legion endorses the CDA and The CDA Institute’s statement
| As a member association of the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA), The Royal Canadian Legion fully endorses the CDA and The CDA Institute’s recent statement on sexual misconduct and culture change in the Canadian Armed Forces. | Read full statement ‣ |
 | Legion Nationals to be hosted in Calgary in 2024/2025
| Last month, Legion Dominion President Thomas D. Irvine was pleased to announce that the 2024 and 2025 National Youth Track and Field Championships will be held at the Foothills Athletic Park in Calgary, Alberta.
| Learn more ‣ |
 | Your donations to the Poppy Fund help support Veterans and Remembrance
| This past April, the Dominion Executive Council approved over $645,000 in Poppy Funds through the Legion’s Veteran Support Partnership Program to help four organizations improve the lives of Veterans and their families or promote Remembrance. | Read more ‣ |
Recent Manual Updates | The Legion’s General By-Laws and Poppy Manual have been updated. Please see the recent amendments to the following manuals and update your copies. |
Branch Membership Administration | Resources and tips to support your Membership Chair |
+ Verify and welcome new members at your Branch | 85% of new members joining online are selecting a local Branch to join! Branches are encouraged to reach out to new member applicants within 30 days of their application to let them know the process for their application or, if approved, welcome them to the Branch. | The Membership Committee’s recommended 30-day application review period is a suggested timeline to ensure our organization is maintaining strong customer service practices for new members wishing to join and support the Legion. If a Branch is unable to meet the suggested 30-day time period for a General Meeting or Executive Committee review of the application, it may still follow its own process to approve/decline a member and the procedure for that continues to follow the communicated policy. | Be sure to check your email account for notifications of new members or check the New Online Member Report on your Branch profile on the Member Services Website. |
+ 2022 Renewal Stickers coming in August | 2022 Member renewal stickers will be delivered to Branches during the last week of August for all members that are renewed for 2021 by July 31, 2021. Please ensure your renewals are up to date to ensure your members receive their 2022 stickers. |
We are here to help! | Our team is here to help, Monday through Friday, 8:30–4:00 pm EST by email and by phone. |
Get access to Marketing and PR resources |
It’s time for members to renew | Find a wide variety of recruitment and renewal resources on the Member Services Website, as well as free materials through the Legion Supply Department. | View resources ‣ |
 | PR Tip of the Month | Line up local Veterans | While November may seem like a long time away, it’s helpful to start preparing a list of local Veterans who have a story to share and who would be willing to speak with media. When the Remembrance Period arrives and media calls start coming in, you’ll be well prepared. | Have questions or need advice? Contact your Command Public Relations Officer or Nujma Bond, Dominion Command Communications at |
 | MemberPerks®: Deals and savings for Legion members | MemberPerks® is more than a member benefit package. It’s also a tool Branches can use to promote membership. Plus, you can partner with local businesses in your community to offer exclusive discounts for your members. | Learn more ‣ |
Your Legion calendar: 2021 | Promote important dates and organize activities at your Branch with this list of upcoming days that raise awareness of an issue, commemorate a group or event, or celebrate an important topic. | DOWNLOAD THE CALENDAR ‣ |
Partner promotions | The following is brought to you by our partners, highlighting special offers and other information. |
Special offer from Legion Magazine |
If you have any questions, please contact Member Services and we will be pleased to assist. 1-855-330-3344 or
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
|  | Working together to serve Canada’s Veterans.