Branch updates and information
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| All Branch emails are also available on the Member Services Website
In this edition – September 2020
Help the Legion secure federal funding | Dominion President Thomas D. Irvine, CD, has sent a letter to all MPs requesting help in seeking accountability from the government to provide its promised financial assistance, in addition to an op-ed piece recently published in The Guardian. But after months of inaction from the federal government, the Legion is launching a letter-writing campaign
to secure financial support for Branches impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. | Provincial Commands have reached out to their Branches with details on the campaign. We encourage all Branch executives and members to write to their local MPs using the template below. Please personalize the information
in the letter where indicated, add your Branch letterhead and mail or email (as a PDF or read only Word document) the letter to your MP the week of September 15. Contact your Provincial Command if you have any questions. | Together, we can ensure the Government of Canada follows through on its promised assistance for the Legion. | Download the template ‣
2020 Poppy Campaign and Remembrance Day activities | The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way the Legion will run local Poppy Campaigns and Remembrance Day Ceremonies in 2020. Information on these changes was sent to all Branches in a September mailing. Please visit for information and updates. |
Coming next month: Branch members can join online! | Starting October 1, 2020, new members will be able to register to a local Legion Branch online! As the world adapts and opens up to online communication and service, the Legion is excited to be modernizing our membership
experience. | If you have questions on how to use the Legion Member Services Website, contact Member Services. We are here to help! |
 | Use of Poppy and Legion Trademarks
| Legion Branches develop a variety of print and online communications to engage their community during the Remembrance season. Please keep in mind that the Legion logo, Legion Badge
and the Remembrance Poppy are trademarked images. Any proposed usage of the Legion logo, the Legion Badge, or the Poppy symbol must be submitted to Dominion Command for review.
| Please note that Dominion Command approval is not required for use of the Legion logo with Branch designation included. Branches can contact for a customized logo with Branch designation.
| Request for use of national Legion logo and Legion Badge can be sent to
| Request for us of the Remembrance Poppy can be sent to
 | Veterans gather for first Buddy Check Coffee in Angus
| Over 40 Veterans attended a socially distanced gathering at the beautiful Peacekeepers Park in Angus, ON for District E Ontario Command’s first Buddy Check Coffee. Three Silver
Cross Mothers and the Honorary Colonel of the Military Police Academy, whose sons paid the ultimate sacrifice for our Country, also joined the Veterans at the event. | Buddy Check Coffee is a Veteran run program offering comradeship in a relaxed environment, allowing for networking and sharing of experiences and stories. | Read more ‣
 | Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance
| A new online Virtual Wall of Honour and Remembrance will be coming soon. This new tool will help Canadians honour Canada’s Fallen and share the photos and stories of their loved
| Stay tuned for more information! |
 | Legion National Headquarters staff back in the office
| Legion Headquarters staff have returned to working in the Ottawa office. As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, keep informed of the latest updates at |
Update to General Bylaws | On August 12, 2020, Dominion Executive Council conducted an electronic vote on motions related to Branch elections and Article III proceedings. For consideration was ending the temporary measures adopted earlier this
year because of Branch closures due to the COVID‑19 outbreak. | MOTION 1: Branch Elections: The authority for holding Branch elections is now delegated to Provincial Commands / International Zones effective immediately. | MOTION 2: Article III Proceedings: The temporary measures will remain in place as DEC decided not to reinstate Article III proceedings and timelines. All current and new complaints and appeals will
continue to be held in abeyance. Reinstatement of Article III proceedings will be reviewed again prior to the November 2020 DEC meeting. |
Branch Membership Administration | Resources and tips to support your Membership Chair | We are here to help! | The Member Services Department continues to serve Branches and members, Monday through Friday, 8:30–4:30 pm EST by email and by phone. | Membership auto renewal date for the 2021 membership year | All members who have signed up for Auto Renewal will be charged the first week of November, 2020 for the 2021 membership year. | Renewal reminders | A renewal reminder will be mailed to lapsed 2019 members this October, encouraging them to continue their support. | Plus, all members who pay for 5 years before November 30th will receive a Legion Poppy watch! Keep an eye out for our renewal promotions to members through email, online and in Legion Magazine. | 2021 Per Capita rates | There are no changes to 2021 per capita tax rates. The 2021 rates are effective September 1, 2020 and are available on the membership website. | Keep your members connected | The COVID-19 crisis has made it clear that times are changing. Online information and services have become more important. Are you and your members receiving the monthly members newsletter? Make sure your members’
emails addresses are on their member profile, or email them to us using this template. | Sign up for Direct Deposits from Legion National Headquarters | Sign up to receive Branch payments from Legion National Headquarters through direct deposit to your bank account by completing the attached Direct Deposit Form. No more bank runs or waiting for your cheque to arrive! Simply download and complete the form and email it to | For questions, please contact Tiffany Patterson at the Legion National Headquarters Finance Department by calling 613-591-3335 ext. 262. |
Get access to Marketing and PR resources |
Bring your lapsed members back | New and updated resources are available for Branches to encourage your members to renew and to invite new members to join! Check out our printed and downloadable resources here. | You can find more helpful tips in the Legion’s Branch Membership Renewal Strategy. |
 | PR Tip of the Month | Decide upon your spokespeople | You never know when a media person will call and want to speak about a particular issue. Decide in advance who your spokespeople are for different topics, and know how best to reach them quickly. | Have questions or need advice? Contact your Command Public Relations Officer or Nujma Bond, Dominion Command Communications at |
Promote MemberPerks® | MemberPerks® is a great way to attract new members to the Legion and offer current members huge savings and deals! Promote the program at your Branch to help members
save $1000s a year! Plus, offer your members even more value by using inviting local retailers, services and restaurants in your area to participate. | Learn more ‣ |
Your Legion calendar: October – November 2020 | Promote important dates and organize activities at your Branch with this list of upcoming days that raise awareness of an issue, commemorate a group or event, or celebrate an important topic. | DOWNLOAD THE CALENDAR ‣ |
Partner promotions | The following is brought to you by our partners, highlighting special offers and other information. |
A generous gift to The Legion National Foundation |
Many thanks to the Order of St. George for their $15,000 gift to The Legion National Foundation. The generosity of their members is so appreciated during this challenging time. The funds will assist Veterans struggling
with the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. | The Order of St. George is a contemporary chivalrous organization that supports Canadian military and their families, veterans and cadets, in particular, those who demonstrate need as a result of stressful duties performed
at home or abroad. |
Commemorative pin to recognize Veterans of the Cold War era |
The Canadian Naval Air Group (CNAG) has designed a commemorative pin to recognize Veterans of the Cold War era. Each pin sells for $10, with proceeds donated to the Legion’s Leave the Streets Behind program. Please
note this pin is not authorized for wear on Legion Dress. | Pins are only available directly from CNAG. CNAG requests that Branches send in one Branch order to reduce their mailing costs; this will also increase their donation. | Email your order to Paul Baiden, National Chairman, at |
Free Veterans’ Week learning resources from Veterans Affairs Canada |
Veterans Affairs Canada offers Veterans’ Week learning resources to help engage young people in remembrance. All-new 2020 editions of the Take Time to Remember activity booklet (ages 5-7), as well as youth newspapers
Tales of Animals in War (ages 5-11) and the Canada Remembers Times (ages 12-18) are now available. Our popular Postcards for Peace, bookmarks and posters are also available. | Order your free copies now! |
If you have any questions, please contact Member Services and we will be pleased to assist. 1-855-330-3344 or
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST
|  | Working together to serve Canada’s Veterans.