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Branch updates and information
Legion Dispatch. Visit branch services.
August 2021
Poppy Store.
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In this edition – August 2021
Take the five‑second survey
Is your Branch open for business? Many Branches are now starting to re-open their doors and resume Branch activities. Take this single-question, multiple choice survey to let us know if your Branch is currently open to members and the public.
If you responded previously, please take the survey again so we can see how Branches are doing as things start to open.
Meet your new Senior Elected Officers
The Royal Canadian Legion’s 48th Dominion Convention (Virtual Edition) was a success, with 880 Delegates and 175 Observers attending! While this year’s format was different, our goal remained the same: to make the Legion the best it can be in order to serve Canada’s Veterans.
This year, Delegates representing close to 250,000 members met online to discuss the future of the Legion and elect the next Dominion President and Senior Elected Officers.
Congratulations go out to our new Senior Elected Officers, who will carry out the business of the organization until the next National Convention:
Dominion President – Bruce Julian
First Vice President – Owen Parkhouse
Vice President – Berkley Lawrence
Vice President – Sharon McKeown
Vice President – Brian Weaver
Treasurer – Mark Barham
Chairman – Bill Chafe
Immediate Past Dominion President – Tom Irvine
Key resolutions from the Convention
At the Dominion Convention, Delegates discussed a wide variety of resolutions to further the Legion’s mission and support the organization. Of note are these resolutions passed to support Veterans, Seniors and Communities:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Royal Canadian Legion recommend to Veterans Affairs Canada to implement the Veterans Survivors Fund immediately;
and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that The Royal Canadian Legion recommend to the Federal Government to fulfil its promise to eliminate the Marriage after 60 clause
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Royal Canadian Legion, on behalf of all Canadian Forces Veterans, strongly advocate to extend the eligibility of “VAC Contract Beds” to include all Canadian Forces Veterans.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That Veterans Affairs Canada and the Ministry of Health immediately survey the 14 local LHINs and produce a list of all Veterans waiting placement in LTC facilities;
and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED That Legislation be enacted to re designate all vacant PABs as Preferred Admission Beds to allow immediate placement of all waiting Veterans in LTC facilities and that those facilities be in the areas close to the Veterans normal residence.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that to effect meaningful change that the Dominion President of the Royal Canadian Legion call on the Government to establish a fully independent Office of the Inspector General of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence reporting to Parliament.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, given the requirement for Canada-wide unity of this national imperative and recognizing the importance of improving cultural and heritage awareness, understanding injustices and commemorating loss, The Royal Canadian Legion and all its commands, branches and members extends its unreserved support, however possible and appropriate, and in collaboration with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, to assist in this healing journey.
Read the news release  ‣
Dominion Executive Council meeting
The Dominion Executive Council minutes from the August 12 and August 16 meetings are now available. Minutes from all meetings can be accessed on the Member Services Website under Branch and Command Resources / Dominion Executive Council.
View DEC minutes  ‣
Celebrating the Dominion President Citation Awards
On August 7, the Dominion President Citation Awards were presented to five extraordinary Legion members whose outstanding work on behalf of Veterans and their families helps us build a better Legion. Meet the recipients and discover the difference their work has made.
Funding for Remembrance initiatives and war memorials
Veterans Affairs Canada’s Commemorative Partnership Program provides funding for remembrance initiatives including community engagement programs and war memorials.
Legion Branch 219 in Kahnawake, Quebec used this funding to honour the legacy of Indigenous Veterans and celebrate local Mohawk Veterans by creating the First Nations Mobile Military Exhibit. The exhibit displays military artifacts that belonged to those who served, including an Iroquois war club from the 1812 era.
Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund open for new applications
Funding is available through Veterans Affairs Canada’s Veteran and Family Well-Being Fund to conduct research or create projects that improve the lives of Veterans and their families. Veterans Affairs Canada is looking to support equity-seeking groups, including those that serve women and LGBTQ2+ Veterans, in this current call for applications. Projects should focus on the current concerns of Veterans, including homelessness, unemployment, retraining, and health challenges.
Check out the funding guidelines and apply. Applications will be accepted until 1 October 2021.
Call for volunteers
The Conference of Defence Associations and the CDA Institute put out a call for volunteers to welcome and help integrate Afghans who served alongside the Canadian Armed Forces as interpreters, translators, drivers, and fixers during Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.
The CDA has also released a statement on rescuing and granting asylum to Afghan interpreters.
Volunteer today  ‣
Read the statement  ‣
Reminder: Important updates to Branch payment options
Electronic payments to Branches starting September 2021
Legion Headquarters will discontinue issuing cheques as of September 1, 2021 and implement payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) only. EFTs reduce costs, require less administrative processing, provide Branches faster access to their funds, are more secure than cheques and simplify reconciliation and accounting.
Branches are asked to contact Dominion Command Accounting by August 31, 2021 at 888-556-6222 extension 288 or by email at to provide banking details for their Branch General Account and their Branch Poppy Account.
Branch payments for online transactions to be Interac or credit card only starting in 2022
Legion Headquarters is continuing to experience significant payment delays for online membership transactions when Branches submit payment by cheque. Starting in 2022, cheques will no longer be accepted for online membership portal transactions. Dominion Command will require all online membership transactions be paid by Interac or credit card. Please do not send cash.
Branches may contact Dominion Command Accounting at 888-556-6222 extension 288 or by email at for information on how to set up electronic payments.
Branch Membership Administration
Resources and tips to support your Membership Chair
Verify and welcome new members at your Branch
85% of new members joining online are selecting a local Branch to join! Branches are encouraged to reach out to new member applicants within 30 days of their application to let them know the process for their application or, if approved, welcome them to the Branch.
The Membership Committee’s recommended 30-day application review period is a suggested timeline to ensure our organization is maintaining strong customer service practices for new members wishing to join and support the Legion. If a Branch is unable to meet the suggested 30-day time period for a General Meeting or Executive Committee review of the application, it may still follow its own process to approve/decline a member and the procedure for that continues to follow the communicated policy.
Be sure to check your email account for notifications of new members or check the New Online Member Report on your Branch profile on the Member Services Website.
2022 Renewal Stickers coming in August
2022 Member renewal stickers will be delivered to Branches during the last week of August for all members that are renewed for 2021 by July 31, 2021.
Reminder: Digital Membership Card coming soon
Coming this fall, new and returning Legion members will have the choice of the traditional plastic card or an electronic membership card downloadable to a digital wallet. These digital cards will allow the Legion to save time and money producing, mailing and replacing plastic cards. Stay tuned for more details.
We are here to help!
Our team is here to help, Monday through Friday. Please note our hours for phone calls change on September 7 to 8:30–4:30 pm EST.
Get access to Marketing and PR resources
Marketing Resources
Reach out to lapsed members to renew
Find a wide variety of recruitment and renewal resources on the Member Services Website, as well as free materials through the Legion Supply Department.
View resources  ‣
New promotional resources are available
We’re pleased to share our latest member acquisition Public Service Announcements and magazine ad. Branches are encouraged to share and use these tools to recruit and retain members.
Watch the PSAs on YouTube:
English 30:
English 15:
French 30:
French 15:
PSA video and radio files:
Original files for the PSA videos and the radio spots can be accessed from Google Drive here.
Printed article in September/October Legion Magazine:
PR Tip of the Month
Casual dress
The Legion’s new casual dress – blue shirts offering a fresh, approachable look – can be a good option for PR officers or spokespeople during interviews or at public meetings or events. Consider whether a uniform is required and choose casual when it makes sense.
Have questions or need advice? Contact your Command Public Relations Officer or Nujma Bond, Dominion Command Communications at
Your Legion calendar: 2021
Promote important dates and organize activities at your Branch with this list of upcoming days that raise awareness of an issue, commemorate a group or event, or celebrate an important topic.
MemberPerks®: Exclusive offers and preferred pricing through Venngo
MemberPerks® is more than a member benefit package. It’s also a tool Branches can use to promote membership. Plus, you can partner with local businesses in your community to offer exclusive discounts for your members.
Learn more  ‣
Partner promotions
The following is brought to you by our partners, highlighting special offers and other information.
Special offer from Legion Magazine
If you have any questions, please contact Member Services and we will be pleased to assist. 1-855-330-3344 or

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST
Working together to serve Canada’s Veterans.