Keep your Branch informed | Forward this email to your Branch Executives, Committee Members and other members to keep them up-to-date on important updates and information. | All Branch emails are also available on the Member Services Website |
In this edition – August 2019 |
Latest Member and Branch Sweepstake coming in September | Legion members and Branches have a chance to win through our latest sweepstake! Starting August 31, 2019, members can enter their email address at legion.ca/giftcard for
a chance to win one of five $500 Canada Post Visa gift cards for themselves AND $500 for their branch. | The sweepstakes will be promoted on the member two-part renewal cards, and through social media. Members with emails already on file are automatically entered. | Submit a list of member emails to Member Services using the attached Excel file template to increase your Branch’s chance of winning! |
Welcome Program Members encouraged to transfer to their local Branch |
Starting in July, Dominion Command is implementing an ongoing email campaign to encourage members who join as part of the Legion’s Veteran Welcome Program to visit their local Legion Branch, get involved,
and transfer their membership to the Branch. | With more than 1,500 Veterans currently participating in the program, your Branch may be welcoming a new Veteran to your membership soon! |
Amendments to the General By-Laws |
The General By-Laws have been amended, as approved by the Dominion Executive Council in April 2019. Please review the revised Manual and Amendments and update your copy of the By-Laws. |
Amendments to Sports Guide | New amendments to the Legion’s Sports Guide were passed in April 2019 by the Dominion Executive Council. Please change your Branch’s copies of the Sports Guide to reflect these updates. |
Legion Dress for Colour Parties | The Royal Canadian Legion distinctive dress is a positive image that recognizes our organization and demonstrates pride in our country and ourselves (Sect 101 of the Ritual, Awards and Protocol manual). It represents
our unity and our distinctiveness in our role in supporting and advocating for Veterans. All Branches are to remind and reinforce to their members to wear our Legion Dress, when required, in accordance to Chap
1 of the Ritual, Awards and Protocol manual. This also applies to our Colour Parties as it is clearly addressed in Chap 9, section 940 of our
Ritual, Awards and Protocol manual. Members are also to be reminded that when in Summer Dress, Undress Service Ribbons (which refer to Military Service Ribbons only) may be worn. Undress Legion Ribbons (which do not exist in any official manner) are not authorized. | We are proud to be Legionnaires and having a Legion Dress standardization displays strength and unity in supporting our Veterans. | Thomas D. Irvine, CD Dominion President |
Another successful year at Legion Nationals | From August 9–11, youth athletes from across Canada competed in the 2019 Royal Canadian Legion’s National Youth Track and Field Championships in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Records were broken,
friendships blossomed, and memories were made that will last a lifetime. | This was the 43rd year for the Legion Nationals, Canada’s only nationwide youth track and field competition. Find out more about this year’s highlights, including how we honoured and remembered
those who served and sacrificed on D-Day 75 years ago. |
Your Legion calendar: September–October 2019 | This calendar lists upcoming commemorative days of relevance to The Royal Canadian Legion that raise awareness of an issue, commemorate a group or event, or celebrate an important topic. Branches may wish to promote
these dates or organize related activities. | |
Get access to Marketing and PR resources |
Marketing and communication tools are available online for Branches, including brand guides, recruitment materials, public relations supports, promotional resources and more. | Visit the Member Services Website under Branch and Command Resources / Marketing and Public Relations. | Preprinted promotional materials are also available for free from Legion Supply. | DOWNLOAD THE CATALOGUE |  | Free, updated brochure to help recruit new members | An updated, free Member recruitment brochure is available through Legion Supply, with the revised Membership application form included. Branches are encouraged to use this at their Branch and at other opportunities
where they can promote membership. | You can find more free recruitment and renewal resources available to Branches through the Legion Supply Department – order yours today! | VIEW MEMBERSHIP RESOURCES |
 | PR Tip of the Month | Never say “no comment” It is never advisable to say “no comment” to media – it’s seen as a synonym for “I’ve got something to hide.” A
brief statement or apology is far better than saying nothing, and it shows you care. For example: “We take this situation seriously. We must respect the confidentiality of the members involved, so cannot share details at this time. We hope to resolve matters soon.” | Have questions or need advice? Contact your Command Public Relations Officer or Nujma Bond, Dominion
Command Communications at nbond@legion.ca. |
 | Member Benefit Partner: IRIS | At IRIS, we provide you with the finest quality lenses from Nikon, our No-Matter-What Guarantee, interest-free financing, and unparalleled experience from leading eyecare professionals. Our commitment is to help
Canadians see better. | Royal Canadian Legion members are eligible for IRIS Advantage offers, including $150 towards the purchase of eyewear and prescription sunglasses and much more. | Register today at IRIS.ca/Benefits: Access code RCLLRC | For assistance with registration please call 1-800-663-3937 ext. 224, email us at advantage@iris.ca, or visit an IRIS location
and speak with a team member. |
The Legion’s new Member Services Website is a gateway to convenient branch-specific and membership information and services, including simplified new member sign-ups and renewals. | Branches can login to portal.legion.ca with the username and password provided. |
► Membership
renewals are getting underway!
2020 Two-Part Renewal Stickers | The 2020 membership renewal stickers will be delivered to Branches via Canada Post during the week of August 26th. They will be in the same format as last year (a two-part renewal card). | The stickers will be available for all members processed for the 2019 year on or before July 15, 2019. | Early Bird Stickers | Early Bird Stickers are now available for order through Legion Supply. | Free Early Bird promotional posters and member letters are also available for order, or can be downloaded from the Member Services Website, under Branch and Command Resources / Membership. | To place an order, call Legion Supply at 888-301-2257. | Make membership renewal easy for your members! | 87% of Branches provide over 230,000 Legion Members with the opportunity to renew their local Branch membership online. Please ensure your Branch Rates are entered and up-to-date. | UPDATE YOUR BRANCH RATE | Use the Branch Membership Renewal Strategy | Members are the strength of the Legion, and our most valuable resource. Use the attached Branch Membership Renewal Strategy to guide your renewal efforts. | DOWNLOAD STRATEGY |
► |
2020 per capita tax rates |
The 2020 per capita tax rates are now available online. They are effective September 01, 2019 for the 2020 membership year. 2019 online Branch rates will be automatically copied over to 2020 for Branches. | If you have a membership fee rate change, please update online or contact Member Services directly. |
Please ensure you are accessing your Branch email by clicking ‘WEB MAIL’ on the left-side menu of the Member Services Website. | If you have any questions please contact Member Services and we will be pleased to assist. 1-855-330-3344 or membership@legion.ca Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST |
Honouring Veterans is Our Duty |
Copyright © 2019 The Royal Canadian Legion. All rights reserved.
Administrative emails from Legion National Headquarters are sent to the email address on file for your local Legion Branch.
If this is no longer the correct email address for your Branch, please forward this email to the new contact and request the Branch update their contact information.
The Branch may update the email
address at any time by updating their Branch Profile on the Member Services Website or by contacting Member Services.
Learn more about All Branch emails.
Our contact information is: The Royal Canadian Legion National Headquarters Member Services Department 86 Aird Place Ottawa, ON K2L 0A1 Canada
Toll free: 855‑330‑3344 E-mail:membership@legion.ca