Branch updates and information
this email
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| All Branch emails are also available on the Member Services Website
In this edition – March 2022
Note from the Dominion President: | As the Legion emerges from a long and difficult period we salute our branches for the tenacity, flexibility and ingenuity they displayed when faced with shutdowns at worst and restrictions at best. | We commend your volunteers for donating an incalculable number of hours to keep their branches afloat. Even though major sources of operating income were no longer available, they persevered by seeking out and applying
for grants and came up with alternate sources of funding. | They found ways to honour our shared commitment to our veterans, from keeping the lines of communication open to demonstrating remarkable creativity during poppy campaigns and Remembrance Day observances. | Our branches also continued to be good neighbours, assisting community organizations whenever and wherever possible. | While there may still be a bump or two along the road to normalcy, we are looking forward to a bright future. | Thank you for everything you do! | Bruce |
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Take the five‑second survey | Is your Branch open? As pandemic restrictions begin to ease, let us know if your Branch is currently open to members and the public. | If you responded previously, please take the survey again so we can see how Branches are doing as the pandemic evolves. |
Legion National Headquarters Year in Review | 2021 was a challenging yet rewarding year for The Royal Canadian Legion. We overcame pandemic obstacles, worked alongside dedicated Legion members to support our Veterans and families, advocated for changes to increase
Veteran well-being, and rolled out innovative initiatives to enhance our operations. | Read more ‣ |
The Poppy Trademark: Know the basics | Did you know… The Remembrance Poppy may not be used without the express written permission of Dominion Command by any organization, group, community, or individual for commercial or charitable display
or public distribution. | See our educational flyer for Branches that highlights important information about the Poppy trademark, and how to prevent misuse. | Download the flyer ‣ | Please direct public inquiries to: |
Recent Poppy Manual Update | The Legion’s Poppy Manual has been updated. Please see the recent amendments and update your copy. | Amendments ‣ | Updated manual ‣ |
New! Legion Branch Brand Manual | The Legion logo, Legion Crest and the Remembrance Poppy are trademarked images and there are standards for use. Branches are required to use their Branch Legion logo (with Branch identifier) for all Branch communications.
| A new Legion Brand Manual for Branches has been created to help Branches understand how to use the Legion Brand to create strong communication materials, and promote the Legion’s values. | Download the Manual ‣ |
Legion decries decision over Platinum Jubilee medal | The Legion is disappointed by the Department of Canadian Heritage’s recent decision not to issue a Platinum Jubilee medal in 2022. The medal would commemorate the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
II’s ascension to the throne and recognize a Canadian who gave back to their community. | Read more ‣ |
Support to keep additional VAC staff will help tackle serious backlog | Following a long advocacy campaign for action by the Legion, Canada’s federal government will invest the necessary financial support to retain staff to shrink the Veteran disability claims backlog. The Legion
is pleased to know its views surrounding this issue – one which will ultimately benefit our Veterans in need – were taken seriously. | Read the statement ‣ |
Legion supports the awarding of Private Larochelle | The Royal Canadian Legion is supporting efforts to award the Canadian Victoria Cross to Private Jess Larochelle, who, while severely injured, went above and beyond to save his fellow soldiers and serve our country.
Learn more about Private Larochelle’s journey and why we support his nomination. | Read Private Larochelle’s story ‣ | Read our statement ‣ |
Branch Membership Administration | Resources and tips to support your Membership Chair |
+ New
email collection calling campaign began March 1st
| Canada Direct, the same Canadian company who performed our renewal calling campaign last summer, has been reaching out to approximately 30,000 members on our behalf to collect their email address for our membership
records. These are live agent calls only (no recordings or messages will be left), and agents have the ability to transfer any calls directly to our Member Services Staff. The campaign began March 1st and will run
for 4 to 6 weeks. | Branches are reminded to keep their member contact information up to date with Legion Headquarters and include emails whenever possible. Branches can update a member’s email online, or use this Excel template to share member emails with Member Services. |
Get access to Marketing and PR resources |
Get your custom Legion Branch logo | Your Legion Branch logo is a marker of your Branch’s individual identity. It helps Branch’s initiatives — and the hard work of the Members behind them – stand out in your community. Request your
custom Branch logo by contacting and providing your Command, Branch number and town/city. |
 | PR Tip of the Month | Say thank you | Thanking your local members can go a long way to making them feel appreciated. Consider personalized notes, a thank-you event (if pandemic rules allow), or other ways to let them know they matter. | Have questions or need advice? Contact your Command Public Relations Officer or Nujma Bond, Dominion Command Communications at |
Your Legion calendar | Promote important dates and organize activities at your Branch with this list of upcoming days that raise awareness of an issue, commemorate a group or event, or celebrate an important topic. | DOWNLOAD THE 2022 CALENDAR ‣ |
 | MemberPerks®: Exclusive offers and preferred pricing through Venngo | MemberPerks® is more than a member benefit package. It’s also a tool Branches can use to promote membership. Plus, you can partner with local businesses in
your community to offer exclusive discounts for your members. | Learn more ‣ |
Partner promotions | The following is brought to you by our partners, highlighting special offers and other information. |
Access Canadian War Museum remembrance resources | The Canadian War Memorial has launched a new virtual tour of the Museum, which also features Remembrance activities and resources. | Take the tour |
Special offer from Legion Magazine |
If you have any questions, please contact Member Services and we will be pleased to assist. 1-855-330-3344 or
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST
|  | Working together to serve Canada’s Veterans.